dear family and friends,
unfortunately, this email will be short because there is hardly anything new to report! no one would meet with us last week! everyone was busy or cancelled or said "lets do it another time!" it was one of those weeks. we still were effictive and had a good week. we had a few lessons with members that need attention and one lesson with our investigator Janna-we started teaching the Plan of Salvation. It's cool to see people's reactions as we answer questions, especially about what will happen after this life. Sometimes it's hard to give answers to everything because we don't know everything, but we try our best and follow the spirit!
the highlights: we were tracting in a village last week, and this nice man that we had talked to the week before, let us in and showed us his garden. it was a great garden and he was sooo proud of me that i knew the word for eggplant in russian! haha. unfortunately, his wife came out and was not very happy that we were there. she softened up a bit when we were talking to her cute grand-daughter, but an akward situation! oh well. so after that we were talking with this nice lady who was walking her small cow, and then a drunk guy came up and started talking to us in half ukranain and was very upset that we didn't know who "Phil" was. we walked away from that, but he followed us all the way through this village! good thing we can walk faster than drunk people. overall it was an interesting village day.
last week we taught "advanced" english and we talked about fashion, and they loved it. it was wierd because it was all boys, so it was us 2 and 8 boys haha. but they are good sports and respectful. here is a russian fact: so in russian, you can do what i like to call "cutsie form" which means on the end of words, you can put "echka". for example: thank you is "spaceeba" but in cutsie form, or endearing form its "spaceebechka". so i like doing that because russians laugh and it is just funny. but apparently, if you "cutsie form" the word "lie"-not telling the truth, it actually just means "teaspoon". so one of the guys at english said something that i didn't believe, so i said "thats a lie!" (in russian using cutsie form), and the whole class busted up into laughter for about 10 minutes. they thought it was the most hilarious thing anyone could have ever said! i just felt kinda stupid but laughed with them and i learned my mistake real quick! haha i love blunders in another language. also, a few people in our english class love watching the "I'm a Mormon" videos, and they ask me for suggestions every week, and they just love them. If only they would just love to be a Mormon, instead of just watching about them haha.
our week ended very strange. we had a lesson with an older woman in our branch that we just love, and she fed us at the end unexpectedly. it was just potatoes and mystery meat, but it was really good, just a little greasy. well my companion Sister Dickison had to get her gallbladder taken out in the mtc, and greasy foods upset her stomach now. so saturday she started mentioning that her stomach was hurting really bad and she looked in a lot of pain, so we canceled our plans and went home. poor thing, she threw up like all night! i felt so bad for her! it lasted the night and sunday we didn't even go to church, we just stayed home and she slept all day. i'm glad it didn't last longer and everything is all good now. but sometimes wierd things like that just happen and you just have to deal with it!
well i want you all to know that the gospel is true and the plan of salvation is God's wonderful plan for us. it is such a blessing to have the knowledge we have and i love sharing it with people. i'm thankful for all of you and your support, and my prayers are always with you! i love you all dearly!!
love, sister demille
us out at night waiting for a lesson! like my new scarf?
just out in the wilderness in a village