Monday, April 2, 2012

Already April

family and friends,

Time is flying by!! I hope you all are enjoying the weather wherever you are, because it is still pretty chilly here in Zap.  I'm looking forward to the near future when I can put away my tights and pea-coats for another 7 will be a good day.  Last week was still really cold and snowed a few times.  I am praying for warmer weather soon.  It was another good week here and as always, full of ups and downs.  We have been having a lot of new contacts and investigators pop up from English and other things.  It has been really rewarding.  Even if none of our contacts turn out to be members of the church, hopefully they have a good impression of the church.  The "down" of the week was we dropped our Babushka investigator. Her heart just isn't into being changed. I took it pretty hard just because I have seen her progress so much and come so far, but you have to put those feelings aside sometimes.  Life goes on! 
We had a busy week with going to Nepper twice, but both trips were good.  Let's just say last sunday night on the way home from our first trip there, i had to sit in between 2 men on the way home, and it was wierd.  The week went well and we picked Sister Cardon up on thursday again in Nepper.  Our baptism that was supposed to happen on Saturday didn't happen. But the good news, is that it's happening this weekend and she is so excited! 
I heard conference was great, and I'm excited to watch it soon.  We have to wait here for the russian translation, so we are watching it on the 14th.  They have it in english too for us missionaries :) Speaking of russian, it has been going a lot better.  I am amazed at the difference that finishing the Book of Mormon made.  I feel like I can usually speak okay, but my understanding is still behind.  I try really hard to focus on everything, but sometimes it just hurts my brain! I'm sure it will continue to get better.  I bore my testimony yesterday in sacrament meeting, and the congregation only corrected me on two words! haha good times.  Well, there is nothing too much else going on here.  I hope you all have a good Easter weekend coming up! I miss all of you, but this work is so rewarding! I love you all and keep living life!!

Cectpa DeMille

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