Monday, April 16, 2012

Another week

family and friends,

I never ceased to be surprised at the life of a missionary.  One of my favorite things is as a missionary, you LOOK and you FIND the little miracles everyday.  A quick rundown of the week--we didn't have a baptism because of some problems that came up.  We can't have it this coming weekend because we are watching conference, so hopefully it will take place in a few weeks.  This last week we did a lot of finding and had a few good lessons.  It's interesting as a missionary to teach or meet those people who you just grow to love and it becomes another testament of the truthfulness of this work and sheds light on why i am here.  A girl named Katia here who is like my best friend, we have been meeting with her a lot lately.  She has been investigating for a few years, and is honestly just scared to make the choice to get baptized.  We had a lesson with her and we watched Elder Holland's talk Safety for the Soul (the one about the Book of Mormon).  I was bearing testimony to her about how the Book of Mormon really is safety for the soul, and I just felt the spirit so strong that it really is true and it really is written for us.  Little moments like that just give me the boost when missionary work gets hard.
One cool thing we did last week is we went "district finding". We chalked out a huge plan of salvation, we sang hymns, and we tried to talk to people about our church.  It was interesting and funny to watch all the strange looks we got.  We did it at a big art square, so there was tons of people.  It kind of started raining, so that was a bummer, but we plan to do it again. 
Yesterday in sacrament meeting us missionaries did a musical number, and it was cool.  Tons of the members came up after and they were like: "If i was given the choice to listen to you missionaries or the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, I would choose you. You sounded like angels!!!" haha it was great. 
A little miracle moment that happened was one day we were contacting around and all of the sudden I approached this older guy and just started talking to him.  While this was going on, this lady stopped and approached my companions.  I was thinking about it after and I bet the lady wouldn't have stopped and talked to us unless we were already talking to someone else.  I look back at moments like that and realize the spirit is working through us and we are following it, even if we don't realize it.  I am way excited to watch conference this weekend! The missionaries go in a separate room from the members and watch it in English, so I am so excited haha.  And great news: we finally got some of the new translations of the Book of Mormon!!! The book is 100 pages longer than the old translation, but wayy better! We are way stoked.  Well, that's all I have for this week, but the work is moving forth and I love it.  I love you all!!

Cectpa DeMille

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